
The Digital Agency for International Development

Capturing Prepared Statement Parameters

By Chris Wilson on 03 November 2010

I'm using Hibernate for a project, and sometimes I have problems with saving records because the values in the Java object don't fit within the database columns (e.g. large floating point numbers in a DECIMAL column, or long strings).

Hibernate often executes the INSERT operations in batches, which means that the actual failing values are not visible, because the PreparedStatement API gives you no way to get them out, and Hibernate doesn't let you intercept them being set. The insert can also happen long after you created the object. These facts makes it very hard to find and fix the invalid data.

I decided to write a wrapper for PreparedStatement to capture the values being set by Hibernate, and a new Batcher to wrap the PreparedStatements returned by the driver in wrapper objects of my class. I was about to start laboriously writing yet another delegator class that does the boring work of implementing 100 methods and delegating each one individually to the wrapped class. I love Java so much.

Luckily I stopped and figured that someone might have done this before, and indeed I found an implementation by Holy. I adapted it slightly and integrated it into RITA.

To replace the default batcher with my own, to enable the wrapping of statements, I just had to add the following line to my Hibernate configuration properties:

hibernate.jdbc.factory_class = org.wfp.rita.db.CapturingBatcher$Factory

Thanks, Jakob Holy!