Aptivate Speaking at Africa Gathering, London

I'm going to be talking at Africa Gathering London about the reciprocal relationships between participation and IT.
I'm going to be talking at Africa Gathering London about the reciprocal relationships between participation and IT.
13 years ago Jakob Nielsen wrote an important article stating that one of the most significant factors in web usability is speed. Now he has to say it again.
You probably know Moore's Law. I have a theory too, well... a "Random Idea" about progress in software.
Nous avons récemment traduit notre Guide de conception Web pour environnements à bande passante faible en français, ce qui signifie qu’il est maintenant acccessible à environ 200 million de ...
We've recently translated our Web Design Guidelines for Low Bandwidth into French, making them potentially accessible to 200 million people worldwide. French is an official or commonly used language ...
We think that academic publishing is an area that's both critically important to development, and simultaneously becoming more and more inaccessible to the people who need it most. The average size of web pages has been growing much faster than the average speed of connections in developing countries. We built a low bandwidth simulator ourselves, and took it to INASP and the ACU's Publishers for Development conference in Oxford to persuade the journal publishers to optimize their sites to make them accessible to everyone.