Coral Reef Rescue - Knowledge Hub
A platform for the largest reef rescue teams in the world to collaborate
Here are a few of our recent projects. To see more projects go to the all projects page or take a look at our portfolio document.
A platform for the largest reef rescue teams in the world to collaborate
A tool to help people, in Plymouth, find out how to upgrade their homes, stay warm and save money.
A tool for exploring ideas and understanding different possibilities. Used for exploring alternative futures or histories, using a participatory evolutionary process.
An emergency map publishing system that supports humanitarian workers in the field.
Enabling organisations, in the San Francisco Bay area, to cope with higher numbers of event attendees
We developed the LEDS GP website by re-purposing CDKN's website
Exploring mHealth for IPPF's innovation projects in Tajikistan, Bolivia and Palestine
An Information service that publishes timely, relevant data that communities and organisations working in disaster areas need
Our task was to find out how Pradan could use an MEL information system to make better decisions and achieve their goals.
A monitoring and evaluation application that measures the progress of Nigeria's Agricultural Transformation Agenda.
We built and managed the digital platform for a National enterprise-development business-plan competition and grant management system for the federal government of Nigeria
An interactive map designed to condense and trace data based on the movement of illegal wildlife and wildlife products globally for WWF TRAFFIC.
A World Bank evaluation framework and guidelines to help evaluators assess the impact of ICT-enabled citizen engagement programs.
Website redesign and brand implementation for water and sanitation government monitoring platform by WaterAid (9 Iterations)
A scoping study to evaluate and improve Tegemeo’s ICT enabled Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (MLE) capacity.
This DFID-funded initiative aims to support development practitioners that work with business to fight poverty. We worked with the BEAM team to deliver a website to support the project. (6 iterations)
A responsive, interactive map for international water charity WaterAid showing Africa's access to water and sanitation from 1990 to 2030
Improving the online user experience of AuthorAID, which helps academic writers in developing countries improve their writing and publish their work onto online journals. (10.5 iterations)
If you are planning a new international development project that involves designing or building a website or information system then we'd love to hear from you.