Pradan - MEL dashboard discovery
Our task was to find out how Pradan could use an MEL information system to make better decisions and achieve their goals.
Many of our projects begin with a discovery phase to help us understand the needs of the users.
We have found the best way to get software right is to include the users in the process and get them to participate in designing the solution.
We have created a series of User Experience (UX) workshop activities and training notes, aimed at guiding workshop facilitators through a technology project discovery process. The workbook is available as a Google slide presentation and can be downloaded as a pdf or a copy made.
We created it as an internal resource and to help us train other facilitators to deliver participatory discovery workshops. Here are a few examples of International development projects where a UX discovery process was required and where we used the workbook.
Our task was to find out how Pradan could use an MEL information system to make better decisions and achieve their goals.
Aptivate were asked to work with Practical Action UK, Nepal and Peru to conduct a user centred research project to find out what people affected by floods in these countries needed to support knowledge sharing.