Health Information System for Ebola outbreaks

I'm excited to be travelling to Washington DC today to take part in a 3 day USAID co-creation workshop.
I'm excited to be travelling to Washington DC today to take part in a 3 day USAID co-creation workshop.
Are you an NGO struggling with questions or problems about using technology? Join us for lunch and take advantage of our expert team to help you. For free!
29th October - Mozilla London. A participatory and practical one-day workshop looking at the effective evaluation of Digital Citizen Engagement (DCE) initiatives...
A month on, some interesting thoughts on ICTD2015 from an Aptivater who attended for the first time.
The bi-annual ICTD conference comes to Singapore this May, exploring issues relating to the use of information, communication technologies...
A phenomenal two days of sprinting just wrapped up two back-to-back conferences in Berlin.
The role of social media in health engagement was the focus of one of the last sessions at Apticon 2014. Liz Fearon of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine posed the question - how can we use social media to promote HIV awareness in the developing world?
Asking how do we do it effectively? why are the so many out there? What are the tools we can use to evaluate intervention?
We all thoroughly enjoyed Apticon last week. It was great to see old friends of Aptivate, meet some new people and have most of our team together.
In the past few years we have seen how our end users are getting better access to the internet, particularly on mobile devices and this trend is growing.
Want to come to Aberdeen and help Aptivate and a bunch of academics explore making Agile more participatory and more suitable for an International Development context?
Last week I was lucky enough to go to Los Angeles to participate in the California Non-Profit Technology Festival run by Aspiration Tech (
Creating a custom M&E solution has very unique risks and rewards that are different from the approach of selecting a pre-built, solution out-of-the-box. IPAS presented a webinar on their development of a custom system using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. These are my notes.
From the start we have been focused on the appropriate use of IT for international development. We are now working with a whole host of clients and partners around the world and have done some amazing work!
Aptivate are exhibiting at the Bond 2013 event on 5th November at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London. We will be asking attendees three key questions about the organisations they work with.
A thought-provoking intro about 'elephants in the room' followed by lightning talks on integrity in agile and e-Governance - here is Matt's recap on the participatory technology event with Robert Chambers....above a Brighton...
Focusing on the theme of PARTICIPATORY TECHNOLOGY and its role in bringing about social change, join us for a series of lightning talks and a special guest speaker. We'll be at the Quadrant Pub on September 27th!
Join us for the first Brighton ICT4D Drinks and Networking meetup. We will be hanging out at the Prince Albert Pub on April 18th from 6pm. Hope to see you!