Counting down to ‘Evaluating Digital Citizen Engagement: A practical guide’

Last year, Aptivate led a consortium of researchers and practitioners to explore the role of technology in citizen-engagement and participation in the development sector
Last year, Aptivate led a consortium of researchers and practitioners to explore the role of technology in citizen-engagement and participation in the development sector
Are you an NGO struggling with questions or problems about using technology? Join us for lunch and take advantage of our expert team to help you. For free!
As part of the Guide to Evaluating Digital Citizen Engagement, we came into contact with some interesting and innovative new technologies...
A month on, some interesting thoughts on ICTD2015 from an Aptivater who attended for the first time.
The bi-annual ICTD conference comes to Singapore this May, exploring issues relating to the use of information, communication technologies...
Come and meet the Aptivate team at the Bond annual NGO conference and exhibition 2014 in London on November 10th.
Want to come to Aberdeen and help Aptivate and a bunch of academics explore making Agile more participatory and more suitable for an International Development context?
A thought-provoking intro about 'elephants in the room' followed by lightning talks on integrity in agile and e-Governance - here is Matt's recap on the participatory technology event with Robert Chambers....above a Brighton...
Come meet Aptivate at the Brighton Digital Festival 2013 where we will be hosting an exciting group of people to discuss participatory approaches to Technology and Social Change. September 27th. RSVP now!