A truly multilingual site for Africa LEDS Partnership

When we developed the Africa LEDS Partnership website, we increased the availability of content to their multilingual audience.
Martin joined Aptivate in 2007, bringing with him over ten years' experience of software development in GIS and embedded systems. Before he had children, he was involved in the fair trade movement, and enjoyed cycling up mountains.
When we developed the Africa LEDS Partnership website, we increased the availability of content to their multilingual audience.
Tom Daley is currently in Madrid at the International Open Data Conference and the CKANCon pre-event. Tom was part of the team that developed four new generic CKAN extensions for MapAction's Maps and Data Repository.
On 9th July 2001 six publishers signed the statement of intent that led to the development of Hinari, which provides developing countries with free or low-cost access to academic content.
Aptivate have been involved in its development since 2006.
An information service that publishes timely, relevant data for communities and organisations working in disaster areas
Research4Life is the collective name for four web portals - Hinari, AGORA, OARE and ARDI, which provide developing countries with online access to free or low cost international academic and professional peer-reviewed journals.
An emergency map publishing system that supports humanitarian workers in the field
We developed the LEDS GP website by re-purposing CDKN's website
Exploring mHealth for IPPF's innovation projects in Tajikistan, Bolivia and Palestine.
Website redesign and brand implementation for water and sanitation government monitoring platform by WaterAid (9 Iterations)
Accessible field mobile data collection tools for Indian NGO working with disabled people in rural areas (15 iterations)
Moved the Forced Migration Online Digital Library from an unsupported, proprietary system to a searchable, open source repository, increasing accessibility
Addressing the need for effective internet access in African educational institutions.
Aptivate built mobile data collection field kits for the Campaign for Female Education (Camfed) to help them monitor and evaluate the impact of their work in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
We wrote a set of web design guidelines that describe in detail how to build websites to be accessible over low bandwidth connections.
An asynchronous consensus decision making tool for groups to keep track of decisions that affect everybody.